AFRICA, the knowledge of this great continent which ancient writers have transmitted to posterity, is of very limited extent, owing principally to its physical construction. The great desert, which in a broad belt stretches quite across the continent, forbade every attempt to pass it until the introduction of the camel by the Arabs. The want of any known great river, except the Nile, that night conduct into the interior, contributed to confine the Greek and Roman colonists to the habitable belt along the northern coast. The Phoenicians are known to have formed establishments on the northern coast of Africa at a very early period of history, probably not less than 3000 years ago ; and the conquest of Egypt by Cambyses dates as far back as the year B.C. 525.
Edition 1
The name of a dynady that reigned in Egypt
Or Senegal, a river of Negroland, in Africa
A kingdom upon the western coast of Africa between Angola and Jaga. It is also the name of the capital of that kingdom
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Edition 2
The Monkey; 3 genus of quadrupeds, belonging to the order ot primates. They have four fore-teeth in each jaw, placed near each other: the dog-teeth are folitary and more remote; and the grinders are obtufe. They are a numerous race; but almoft all confined to the torrid zone. They fill the woods of Africa, from Senegal to the Cape, and from thence to ^Ethiopia : they are found in all parts of India, and its iflands; in Cochin-China, in the fouth of China, and in Japan; (and one is met with in Arabia): and they fwarm in the forefts of South A- merica, from the ifthmus of Darien, as far as Paraguay
Born in Egypt in 251, and inherited a large fortune, which he dittributed among his neighbours and the poor, retired into folitude, founded a religious order, built many monafteries, and died anno 356. Many ridiculous ftories are told, of his conflifts with the devil, and of his miracles: there are feven epiftles extant, attributed to him
Called also Cyperus Niliacut, the plant from which the Egyptians were in use to make their paper. It is a large plant that grows wild in the midst of the stagnating water left in hollow places after the inundation of the Nile.
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Edition 3
A nation in South Africa, which had never seen a white man till 1785, that they were vilited by M. Vaillant.
The capital of the kingdom of Bambarra in Africa, is situated on the banks of the Niger, in 140 4' N. Lat. and i' W. Long. It confifts, properly speaking, of four diftindl towns ; two on the northern bank of the Niger, called Sego Korro, and Sego Boo; and two on the fouthern bank, called Sego Soo Korro, and Sego See Korro.
A town, situated about two miles up a creek on the southern side of the river Gambia.
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Edition 4
In Ancient Geography, a canton of Egypt, which Joseph procured for his father and his brethren when they came to dwell in Egypt. It was the most fruitful part of the country : and its name seems to be derived from the Hebrew, Gefhem, which signifies rain because this province lying very near the Mediterranean, was expofed to rains, which were very rare in other cantons, and more especially in Upper Egypt.
The father of pafioral poetry, was born at Syracufe in Sicily. Two of his poems aseertain his age one addressed to Hiero king of Syracufe, who began his reign about 275 years before Christ; and the other to Ptolemy Phila\ielphus king of Egypt. Hiero, though a prince dillinguiflied in arms and political wisdom, does not seem to have been a patron of learning
Or Rosetta, a town of Africa, in Egypt, is pleasantly situated on the west side of that branch of the Nile called by the ancients Bolbitinum, affirmed by Herodotus to have been formed by art ; the town and caftle being on the right hand as you enter that river.
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Edition 5
A Negro nation occupying the country between the rivers of Senegal and Gambia
A river of Africa, which runs from east to west through Negroland, and falls into the Atlantic ocean, in 11 degrees of latitude. Some take it to be a branch of the Niger, of which there is not the leaft proof
A famous sultan of Egypt, equally renowned as a warrior and legiflator. He supported himself by his valour, and the influence of his amiable character, against the united efforts of the chief Chriilian potentates of Europe, unjust wars againft him, under the false appellation of Holy IVars.
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Edition 6
A small territory or kingdom of Africa, in Guinea properly called. It lies at the bottom of the gulf of St Thomas, and has a town called Andres, supposed to be the capital.
A kind of cotton ; otherwise called marine cotton. It comes from Aleppo by the way of Marfeilles, where it pays 20 per cent duty.
A festival which the Mahometans celebrate on the 10th day of the month Dhoulhegiat, which is the 12th and last of their year.
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Edition 7
An ancient kingdom of Africa, corresponding to the present kingdom and defert of Barca and J I'ipoli. It was originally inhabited by a number of barbarous nations, differing little from great gangs of robbers.
A large extent of country entirely barren, and producing nothing. In this sense some are sandy deserts ; as those of Lop, Xamo, Arabia, and feveral others in Asia; in Africa, those of Libya and Zara : others are stony, as the desert of Pharan in Arabia Petrea
In fabulous history, a Theftalian, son of Triops, who derided Ceres and cut down her groves. This impiety irritated the goddeses, who affliliated him with continual hunger.
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Edition 8
Or Putiphar, an officer of the court of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and general of his troops, according to our translation, Le Clerc, and the version of the vulgate ; but according to the Hebrew and Sep- tuagint, the chief of his butchers or cooks.
In commerce, a small silver com current in the kingdom of Morocco, and all that part of the coast of Barbary 5 it is worth about three half pence of our money.
A small town of Egypt, situated in the desert between Alexandria and Roletta. It is the ancient Canopus, and is situated, according to Mr Savary, fix leagues from Pharos.