NORTH AMERICA, with the general form of a triangle, naturally divides itself into five physical regions:
1. The table-land of Mexico, with the strip of low country on its eastern and western shores;
2. The plateau lying between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, a country with a mild and humid atmosphere as far north as the 55th parallel, but inhospitable and barren beyond this boundary ;
3. The great central valley of the Mississippi, rich and well wooded on the east side; bare but not unfertile in the middle; dry, sandy, and almost a desert on the west;
4. The eastern declivities of the Alleghany Mountains, a region of natural forests, and of mixed but rather poor soil;
5. The great northern plain beyond the 50th parallel, four-fifths of which is a bleak and bare waste, overspread with innumerable lakes, and resembling Siberia both in the physical character of its surface and the rigour of its climate.
Edition 1
In geography, a sea-port town in North America, in 102. o. W. long. 17. 3. N. lat. situated in the province of Mexico, on a sine bay of the South- sea, from whence a (hip sails annually to Manilla in the Philippine islands.
A town of Upper Saxony, five miles east of Mansfield, remarkable for being the birth-place of Luther.
A county of Scotland, bounded by Clydesdale on the north, by Annandale on the east, by Solway frith on the south, and by Galloway on the west.
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Edition 2
A law-professor in the 13th century, born in Florence. His authority was for some time so great, that he was' called the Idol of the Lawyers.
The name of t wo large rivers; one of which rises in Lithuania, and, dividing Livonia from Cour- land, falls into the Baltic sea a little below Riga: the other gives name to the province of Dwina, in Ruffia, discharging itself into the White Sea, a little below Archangel.
In fabulous history, son of Theodamus, was raviihed by the nymphs of a fountain as he was taking out some water for Hercules by whom he was beloved.
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Edition 3
An island of Italy, in the kingdom of Naples, about 15 miles in circumference, lyinv on the coast of the Terra di Lavoro, from which it is three miles distant. It is full of agreeable valleys, which produce excellent fruits.
A county of Scotland, extending by the coast from the river Spey on the east to Beauly on the weft, which is the boundary of the province of Ross. It fends two members to parliament, and is an earldom in a branch of the Stuart family.
The capital of Sweden, is situated in the province of Upland, in E. Long. 19. 30.
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Edition 4
In the French customs, a duty paid to the lord of a district, for permission to fell wine, or other liquors, within his seigniory.
A city of the United Provinces, feat- ed in North Holland, about four miles from the sea, 15 from Haerlem, and 18 from Amsterdam. It is a handsome city, and one of the cleanest in Holland.
A name which originally signified a part of the palace of Alexandria, which took up at lead one-fourth of the city. This quarter was called the museum, on account of its being set apart for the Muses.
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Edition 5
A place in the suburbs of Athens, named from a white or swift dog, who snatched away part of the sacrifice offering to Hercules. It had a gymnasium, in which strangers or those of the half- blood performed their exercises ; the cafe of Hercules, to whom the place was consecrated.
A town of the county of Kent in England, seated on the river Darent, not far from its influx into the Thames. E. Long. o. 16. N. Lat. 51.
An episcopal town in Italy, in the kingdom of Naples and Terra di Bari. It is seated in a plain eight miles south of the gulf of Venice, in E. Long. 16. 52. N. Lat. 41. 13.
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Edition 6
A town of Savoy, capital of Faucigny, situated on the north side of the river Arve, and subject to the king of Sardinia. It is situated at the foot of a mountain called the Mole, and is 20 miles south of Geneva. E. Long. 6. 10. N. Lat. 46. 18.
A handsome town in Spain, in Eilramadura, with a celebrated convent, whose structure is magnificent, and is immensely rich. It is seated on a rivulet of the fame name; 45 miles south-welt from Toledo. W. Long. 4. 45. N. Lat. 39. 12.
A province in the audience of Mexico, in New Spain, which is very fertile in wheat, Indian corn, cochineal, and cassia. It is bounded by the guls of Mexico on the north, and by the South sea on the south. It contains mines of gold and silver.
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Edition 7
A town of the county of Kent in England, seated on the river Darent, not far from its influx into the Thames. E. Long. o. 16. N. Lat. 51.
A town of Lincolnshire in England, seated in a fenny ground, on the river Weland, fix miles east from Stamford. W. Long. o. 20. N. Lat.
A narrow strait between Asia and Europe, near the Propontis, which received its name from Helle who was drowned there in her voyage to Colchis. It is celebrated for the love and death of Leander, and for the bridge of boats which Xerxes built over it when he invaded Greece.
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Edition 8
A town and cape of the isle of Anglelea in Wales, and in the Irilh channel, where people usually embark for Dublin, there being three packet- boats that fail for that city every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, wind and weather permitting.
In Law, an acknowledgement; a word particularly used in our law books for the fird chapter of the datute I Jac. I. by which the parliament acknowledged, that, after the death of Queen Elizabeth, the crown had rightfully defeended to King James.
Called the Turk, an eminent painter, was born at Geneva in 1702, and by his father was ctesigned for a merchant j but, by the persuasion of his friends, who observed the genius of the young man, he was permitted to give himself up to the art of painting.