ASIA, this division of the globe is distinguished by its vast extent; by the striking character of its interior geography; above all by the stupendous revolutions of which it has been the scene ; and, lastly, by the high antiquity of its civilization, of which we can still faintly trace the precious remains
Stretching from the southemn hemisphere into the northern regions of perpetual winter, it comprises within its bounds the opposite extremes of heat and cold; all the varieties consequently of the animal and vegetable tribes; and that still more interesting variety which the irresistible law of climate impresses on the human species.
The surface of Asia, towering to its height far above the regions of perpetual snow, presents, when superficially examined, a confused mass of lofty mountains, diverging into an endless yariety of inferior ridges, apparently without plan or system. But a more attentive survey discloses, amid the bold irregularities of nature, the same order and unity of design in the structure of this great continent, as in all the other works of' creation.
Edition 1
A province of Turkey in Europe, now called Livadia, of which Athens was anciently the capital, at prefent named Saithines or Setines.
A province of China, bounded by the province of Peking on the east, by the great wall on the north, by the province of Honan on the fouth, and by the river Crocei, which divides it from the province of Xenfi, on the west
The capital of a kingdom of the fame name in India, beyond the Ganges: E. long. 104, N. lat 120 30', The kingdom of Cambodia extends from 90 to 150 of N. lat. being bounded by the kingdom of Laos on the north, Cochin-china on the east, the Indian ocean on the south, and by the bay of Siam on the west
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Edition 2
Or Abgarus, a name given to feveral of the kings of EdefTa in Syria. The moft celebrated of them is one who, it is said, was cotemporary with Jesus Christ; and who having a distemper in his feet, and hearing of Jesus miraculous cures, requested him, by letter, to come and cure him.
A large, rich, and strong town of Asia, capital of the kingdom of Laos, with a large and magnificent palace, where the king refides.
An island in the province of Fokien, in China, where the English had a factory: but they have abandoned it, on account of the impositions of the inhabitants. Long. 136. 0. lat. 24. 30. It has a fine port, that will contain many thousand vessels
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Edition 3
A medicine which expels worms from the intestines. Of these medicines numbers are daily advertifed in the newfpapers as infallible, though the ingredients of which they are compofed are carefully kept secret. We think it our duty therefore to affure our readers, that the medicines vended by quacks are generally the very fame that would be preferibed by a regular phyfician for the difeaie in which they are pretended to be fpecifics, with this only difference, that the unfeen and unprincipled quack generally preferibes them in more powerful dofes than the regular phyfician deems f&fe for his patient.
A mountain of Galilee, about 12 miles from the city of Tiberias. It rises in the form of a sugar-loaf, in the midst of an extensive plain, to the height of 30 fta- dia, according to Jofephus.
A great chain of mountains in Asia, which begin at the eastern part of Little Carimania, and extend very far into the India. In different places they have different names
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Edition 4
A city of Asia, once much celebrated, and the capital of a very extensive empire but which is now either entirely ruined, or become of too little confideration, that it is not taken notice of in our books of geography.
In its more general signification, Mature of comprehends all kinds of earthen ware, which are white, porcelain, semitransparent, and have fome degree of a vitreous texture. Hence, in this extensive meaning of the term, it includes all kinds of pottery, stoneware, delft ware, etc..
The calcined ashes of a plant of.a familiar nature with our pot-ashes or pearl-ashes. It is brought from the Levant and Syria and in the glass- trade it is always to be preferred to any other ashes
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Edition 5
A province of Arabia stretching along, the Red sea and Indian ocean, and forming a part of the country once known by the name of Arabia Felix
A small island about 20 miles from that of Manaar, and the neareft channel of communication between Ceylon and the continent of India.
A people inhabiting the Curdistan, or Persian mountains, subsifting chiefly by plunder, and the scanty pittance afforded by their own mountainous country.
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Edition 6
A kingdom of Ada, in the Ead Indies beyond the Ganges; bounded on the north by the province of Yunnan in China, on the ead by the province of Canton and the bay of Tonquin, on the fouth by Cochin China, and on the wed by the kingdom of Laos. It is about 1200 miles in length and 500 in breadth ; and is one of the fined and mod confiderable kingdoms of the Ead, as well on account of the num卢 ber of inhabitants as the riches it contains and the trade it carries on.
A name given by geographers and historians to a considerabe extent of territory in Asia, lying between Russia and China, and including a great variety of nations, now chiefly dependent on two empires.
A country of Asia, anciently divided into Armenia Major and Minor. Armenia Major, according to Strabo, was bounded on the south by Mount Taurus, which feparated it from Mefopotamia ; on the west, by the two Medias ; on the north by Iberia and Albania, or rather that part of Mount Caucafus which surrounds them both ; and on the west, by Armenia Minor, or the mountains Paryadres.
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Edition 7
Or Delhi, a kingdom and city of the Mogul empire, in Asia. The city is one of the capitals of the empire. The road between it and Agra, the other capital, is that famous alley or walk planted with trees by Jehin Ghir, and 150 leagues in length
A river of Turkey in Europe, which rises in Bulgaria, runs north through Servia by Nifia, and falls into the Danube at Semendria, to the eastward of Belgrade
MOUNTAIN of Forty Days
A mountain of Judea, situated in the plain of Jericho to the north of that city. According to the abbe Mariti's description, the summit of it is covered neither with slirubs, turf, nor earth ; it confifts of a solid raafs of white marble, the surface of which is become yellow by the injuries of the air
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Edition 8
A maritime town of the East Indies, at the entrance into the gulf of Cambay. It is divided by the river Daman into two parts: one of which is called New Daman, and is a handsome town, well fortified, and defended by a good Portuguese garrison
Two ancient and strong castles of Turkey, one of which is in Romania, and the other in Natolia, on each side of the channel formerly called the Helefpont. This keeps up a communication with the Archipelago, and the Propontis or sea of Marmora
A province of the kingdom of China, in Asia, which has a great river called Tang, and Tfe- chiang, which runs across it from east to west.